Mohammed al Samawi

In Conversation: Mohammed Al Samawi with Jonathan Pearlman
Jonathan will be in conversation with Mohammed, to discover more about his journey to freedom in The Fox Hunt, a real-life survival story of faith, curiosity, and the power of human connection in the face of conflict.
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Michael Brooks

The World According to...
A literary styled cabaret where music meets storytelling.
The World According To … will mesmerise you with voices which are unlike those you have heard before, strange and familiar, from near and far. Whose world will we enter? Directed and performed by Galit Klasaccompanied by the reading of original pieces by writers Michael Brooks, Andrea Goldsmith, Dror Mishani, Abigail Ulman, Damon Young and Jessica Bellamy.
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Emerging Ethical Dilemas in Science
Join Michael Brooks with Norman Swan and Elizabeth Finkel for their thought-provoking panel Emerging Emerging Ethical Dilemmas in Science.
Scientific advances often have unpredictable consequences. Today’s robots are our servants, but will this always be so? With greater understanding of the human genome comes questionable exploitation of that knowledge. Many issues highlight the need for scientists to confront the risks and ethics of their research, and for the community to be responsibly informed.
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Keynote Address – The Unexplained Universe
Michael Brooks will discuss quantum physics with Jerome Cardano, the renowned 16th-century mathematician, physician, inventor, astrologer, gambler and blasphemer, and learn that our ability to explain the physical world has not progressed as far as we might have expected. This popular print, radio and television science presenter from the UK will then be joined by his Australian counterpart, Norman Swan, in a science session that promises to fascinate and entertain.
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Jürgen Tampke

The Past Re-examined
Join Jürgen Tampke, author of A Perfidious Distortion of History, with Winton Higgins for their thought-provoking discussion The Past Re-examined.
How do events which have been exhaustively researched in the past hold up under contemporary scrutiny? Jurgen Tampke and Winton Higgins both academics who have written books on European history, in different times and formats, analyse new ways of considering and interpreting key moments of early 20th century history. Chaired by Tony Kevin.
This session is supported by Joseph and Rose Reich.
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Mark Aarons

Red Diaper Babies
What was it like to have grown up in a politically charged environment? Mark Aarons, Sara Dowse and Harry Blutstein all grew up in Communist households. Local historian and biographer, Judith Buckrich will chair the conversation on how their childhood experiences have shaped their lives in the literary world of today.
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The Russians are Coming
Mark will be joined by Professor Colin Tatz and author Tony Kevin to examine the relationship between Russia and the Western world, providing their own perspectives on the current global political landscape. Chaired by Paula Michaels, Assoc Professor of History, Monash University.
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Jessica Friedmann

Written on the Body
Join Jessica Friedmann, author of Things That Helped, at Melbourne Jewish Book week with Heather Morris for their panel Written on the Body.
Often we shape our bodies but can our bodies shape our lives? Jessica and Heather discuss the body and its sensations – pain, desire, hunger and comfort. Chaired by Lee Kofman.
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Fiona Harari

Female Voices Count
Join Fiona Harari, author of We Are Here as she chairs Female Voices Count at Melbourne Jewish Book Week.
Feminism: where it is now, where it came from and where it is going? Join authors Sara Dowse billed as one of Australia’s first ‘femocrats’, Sarah Krasnostein and Judy Horacek as they explore these themes in fiction and non-fiction.
This session is dedicated to Bettie Kornhauser.
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Expressing the Inexpressible
Join Fiona Harari with Winton Higgins and Colin Tatz for their thought-provoking panel Expressing the Inexpressible.
Not only must we never forget, but we must also never stop trying to understand. Winton, Colin, and Fiona take different approaches in their search for comprehension. With Chair Mark Baker, they discuss why it is essential to continue to extend our understanding of the Holocaust and its ongoing consequences.
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Henry Rosenbloom

All in the Family
Join founder and publisher of Scribe Henry Rosenbloom for All in the Family, a compelling discussion about family and identity.
Family defines us by our past, our present and our future. How does your life change if your family relationships have been disrupted or if they are not positive? Join Henry Rosenbloom with Caroline Baum, and Barbara Kamler as they pick apart how their families have shaped their identities. Chaired by teaching psychiatrist John Serry.
Supported by Botanicals Book Club in memory of Golda Isaac.
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